Built on Trust
Our Owner
Phil Bauers

Our Story
Well, it’s kind of a funny story...
I went Cop2Crop - I left law enforcement in 2019 after 10+ years of service to multiple agencies. After I left, I started a remodeling company called Bauers Remodeling and Repair. We did really well and things were going great until they weren’t. Not with business, but with me personally. When I was in the Military and while I was a Police Officer, it was easy to push all the bad stuff I saw and dealt with to the side and just keep moving forward. The adrenaline of the job and my want to help people kept me going. July of 2021 after all the years of pushing things deeper, it had finally caught up to me. I couldn’t get out of bed and my will to do or complete anything was gone. It was negatively impacting every aspect of my life. After seeing my doctor, they diagnosed me with PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety and I was immediately prescribed medication. Now I’m not normally one to even take Advil, so I wasn’t thrilled with this option, but I knew I had to do something. For myself and my family, I wanted so badly to feel better, but I didn’t want to be under the thumb of big Pharma. So, I started looking for alternative medicines. I did a lot of research and most of it led me to cannabis. From my law enforcement background, I had a lot of experience with it, but it was never from the side of it being a good thing. After I gave it a try it changed my life, but it wasn’t just consuming the product that helped, it was much bigger than that. The process of actually growing and cultivating the plant was so rewarding and therapeutic. I quickly found out that I was pretty decent at it.
With my love for the plant and my ability to research I couldn't get enough of this amazing plant! In 2022 I was looking to invest in my remodeling company and buy a track loader/skid steer. however after 9 months of waiting for my new machine to be built I ran out of patience. I took the money I was going to invest in my remodeling business and decided to invest in my newfound love of growing. With the experience and knowledge from both sides, I felt like I could truly make a difference in the industry. I love sharing how this plant has improved my life, but more importantly I want the world to learn how to grow again. With rising food costs and all the pesticides and additives that are being added to our own food, now is the time more than ever to be fluent in the garden, no matter what your crop may be. I am looking forward to sharing more about my story while getting to be a part of others journeys as well!
Our mission
My mission starting Homegrown Hydroponics is to change the stigma of the Hydroponics & indoor growing industry. Hydroponics historically has been “known” for being associated closely with growing flower. While we are still 🍃 flower friendly, we aren’t just focused on that.
Here at Homegrown Hydro we want you to be able to grow ANYTHING. I feel that growing is the most important aspect, whether its fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers or flower 😉 . We want you to become the best grower you can be NO MATTER WHAT YOU GROW!
So stop by to talk to one of us one on one, or even sign up for one of our many growing classes!